Year-end report 2024
MIDAQ presents its year-end report for January - December 2024 today, based on the terms agreed with bond investors.
As MIDAQ AB (publ) ("the Company" or "MIDAQ") has announced in a press release on October 27, 2023, Gårdsman AB, an indirect subsidiary of the Company, has filed for bankruptcy. This situation constitutes grounds for termination according to the terms of the Company's bonds issued on December 13, 2021 of SEK 200,000,000 with ISIN SE0017085319 and final maturity in December 2024 (the "Bonds").
As previously announced, the bankruptcy of Gårdsman AB has a limited impact on the MIDAQ group's results and the bankruptcy does not affect the group's financial position. The Company intends to instruct Nordic Trustee & Agency AB (publ), which acts as agent for the bondholders, to initiate a written procedure where the Company asks the bondholders to vote to approve deviations from the terms of the Bonds regarding the bankruptcy of Gårdsman AB.
For further information, please contact:
Stefan Engdahl VD/CEO
+46 70 269 10 80
Håkan Sundberg CFO
+46 70 269 10 81